Check out the 10 organisations we are supporting with every purchase.


We have a very exciting announcement to share today.

Going forward 5% of all purchases on the site will be donated to one of 10 organisations we have chosen to support, that support veganism or a related cause. These range across animal rescue and sanctuaries, organisations promoting a vegan lifestyle and those that aim to protect endangered species or injured wildlife, including Goats of Anarchy, Veganism is the Next Evolution and Farm of the Free Animal Sanctuary.

We wanted to give you a run down of these 10 NGOs, as the choice of where your money actually goes is entirely up to you! That's right, when you make a purchase you can choose which of these we will donate to. 

Goats Of Anarchy

Annandale, NJ, USA

Top of the list of the list is Goats of Anarchy, an award-winning, vegan sanctuary for special needs baby goats, along with other animal friends they just have to help. The adorable photos on their site are absolutely heart-melting and we can't stop going back to look at them again and again. Go look at them right now!

A Vegan Life

A Vegan Life

Washington, DC, USA 

A Vegan Life is an all volunteer organisation and all donations go directly to help animals. Their mission is to promote a vegan lifestyle by holding events that help people make the connection between food choices and the effect on the environment, farm animals and health.



Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors

Beerwah, Australia

Our Vision: That people, wildlife and habitat survive and prosper without being detrimental to the existence of each other.

Our Mission: To be the most effective wildlife conservation organisation in the world through the delivery of outstanding outcome-based programs and projects, and inclusive of humanity.


Endangered Species International (ESI)

San Francisco, CA, USA

Endangered Species International (ESI) is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, saving endangered animals, and preserving wild places!

ESI uses less than 2% of its budget for management and operations. ESI won multiple Top-Rated Awards from GreatNonprofits and has reached the Platinum participation level through the GuideStar Exchange.


FOTF's mission is to rescue & care for industrialized farm animals while educating & bringing awareness to people about living the peaceful vegan lifestyle. With their modest 10 acre property, FOTF wants to focus everything they have on the few animals they will be able to accommodate. By loving them, taking their time to gain their trust, giving them an enriched life, & basically bringing out the best in them, they believe this will allow them to become ambassadors for their species. In doing so, FOTF hopes to influence the hearts & minds of our fellow humans to make being vegan the default way of life.



People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the fur trade, and in the entertainment industry. PETA also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds and other "pests," and the abuse of backyard dogs. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and direct action.



United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Every year, thousands of wildlife species, animals and birds, are driven to extinction because their natural habitat is being destroyed. Human population explosion and an ever increasing demand for natural resources plus massive deforestation and land clearance for urban and rural development is destroying 7.3 million hectares of our world’s forests annually. Wildlife is disappearing with the trees. 


World Wildlife Sanctuaries (“WWS”) is a not-for-profit organisation and is operated by Volunteers.


WWS cannot stop human population growth or development. But, it can and is creating safe permanent Wildlife Sanctuaries for the protection and propagation of endangered koalas and other wildlife.



Veganism is the Next Evolution

Springfield, VT, USA

VINE Sanctuary provides a haven for animals who have escaped or been rescued from the meat, dairy and egg industries or other abusive circumstances, such as cockfights or pigeon-shoots. Sanctuary residents include chickens, cows, ducks, doves, geese, pigeons, sheep, emus, and even a few parakeets. In addition to sheltering and advocating for animals, we conduct research and education aimed at creating systemic changes in agriculture, trade, and consumption as well as human attitudes about animals and the environment. We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression. Thus we welcome and work to facilitate alliances among animal, environmental, and social justice activists.




United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Since 2014, Veganuary has inspired and supported close to one million people in 192 countries to try vegan for January - and beyond. We have worked with businesses to drive up vegan food provision in shops and restaurants, and have made veganism more visible and accessible through our work with national and international media.


You Lucky Dog Rescue is a IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of homeless and abandoned dogs from the high-kill shelters of North Georgia. We believe it is our moral responsibility to save, protect, and improve the lives of these dogs through the help of committed volunteers, foster homes, donors, local veterinarians, and trainers. We strive to re-introduce these dogs to society, assess their individual needs, and provide them with a loving temporary home while matching them with only the best, carefully screened forever homes.